Dental Fillings

From children to adults, cavities happen. Whether it be genetic predisposition, poor oral health, or medication, wear and tear on teeth happens. In cases like these, the goal of your dentist will be to preserve the structural integrity of the tooth. Dental fillings can oftentimes do just that.  At Omaha Dentistry, we strive to maintain, restore, and improve the look and function of our patients’ smiles, oftentimes with high-quality dental fillings.

What are Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are one of many restorative treatments that intend to reestablish the function and protect the structure of a damaged tooth. This procedure calls for using certain biocompatible materials to seal or plug a crack or crevice left behind by tooth decay or other forms of damage, hence the use of the word ‘filling’.

Do I Need Dental Fillings? 

As mentioned, fillings are a restorative treatment, meaning that they are intended to repair the damage. If you have a cracked tooth or perhaps have suffered from caries and other forms of tooth decay, chances are that your dentists will recommend dental fillings to preserve the health of your tooth.

What are the Benefits of Dental Fillings?

  • Protect your teeth from infection
  • Long-lasting
  • Can match the color of your natural teeth

Do You Think You Need Dental Fillings in Omaha, NE?

Our goal at Omaha Dentistry is to be the guardians of your smile. We offer affordable and effective options for restorative dental filling treatments that include composite fillings that will be nearly invisible to the naked eye. Give us a call today to learn about your options!

Call US today At: 402.339.3366